
Light your sweet home with hand made lampshades

Creativity is a thing that can hold everyone’s eyes, if use perfectly. Just two days back, I saw some stunning hand made lampshades while walking down the Hesaraghatta Main Road, Bengaluru in a busy evening.

Those hanging lampshades were nice and professionally made by plastics and were looking so expansive. But, when I asked the price, the seller told me its between 200 to 400.

A group of people from outside the city was selling those beautiful and colourful lampshades in a road-side temporary shop.

The seller told me that they are moving around the city and selling their beautiful creations in different places of Bengaluru.

Trust me, I have seen many beautiful lamps and lampshades and many of them were quite expansive too. But, these lampshades were unique in itself. You do not need to put any tag-line as they are describing themselves.


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