Women at work

Challenges That Women Employees Face at Work Place

I basically don’t like to use the term like “woman employee” or “man employee” but the society is not made up the way I brought up. Sorry to say, but it is true and you (if you are a woman ) are also agreeing with me while reading it. I also agree with it that every management is not same, but most of them are same.

From my personal experience I have seen the work force is not equal. I even worked in offices where only 2 to 3 women employees out of 100. Yes, I am talking about big organizations too.

But, I also worked in offices, where 30 percent employment is occupied by females. I have seen, women are working hard in both the places, but not getting the recognition properly. I have met many strong women, who have also faced that. End of the day they had to leave the job or to change the organization.

Secondly, I even have seen people are asking women employees to not to raise their voices during any problem at work place. But, those people are shouting at all in any point if required. And most funny is sometimes a woman also says the same to her counterpart as she is also under the same system, which is a trap of mean mindset.

Thirdly, during decision-making, most of the time I have seen authority is taking the plan made by a female employee but not giving her the recognition she deserves. Even, if a female employee starts perform excellently, the entire group of male employees becomes insecure. They always try to humiliate that lady in different ways. Only few women can stand up in front of that and once they did so, people start describing them as crazy, hot-tempered woman. Now, my point is if you are not performing well you have to take words from your bosses no matter what’s the gender of your boss or even your counter part. But, when it comes to a female boss you have 100 problems.

I have also seen some males doesn’t like to work under female bosses. Hmm, there it is for ego. These employees, even start making baseless stories about those bosses or organization and create a very toxic office environment just to feed their ego.

Now, here comes another type. Some male employees things female bosses/or staffs/ or co workers are easy going and they can take their advantages, especially if the lady is attractive and younger in age. But, when the day comes with the confirmation that yes, it is not what he thinks, ego clashes start.

I know there are many such points to tell because we all are not in a same place and yeah we have different stories. The above mentioned points are some of my own personal experiences and some experience of those ladies who I met till date.


  • Василий

    Lesbian women includes all women who identified themselves as gay, lesbian, or homosexual in the survey. Most notably, Black women and women with disabilities face more barriers to advancement, get less support from managers, and receive less sponsorship than other groups of women. Not surprisingly, Black women and women with disabilities are far less likely to feel they have an equal opportunity to grow and advance and are far less likely to think the best opportunities go to the most deserving employees. They are also less happy at work and more likely to leave their company than other women are. It s important for companies to understand that all women are not having the same experience and to directly address the unique challenges that different groups of women face.

  • Ольга

    The report suggests that we are falling short in translating top-level commitment into a truly inclusive work environment. Even when top executives say the right things, employees don t think they have a plan for making progress toward gender equality, don t see those words backed up with action, don t feel confident calling out gender bias when they see it, and don t think frontline managers have gotten the message. Only 45 percent of employees, for example, think their companies are doing what it takes to improve diversity outcomes. And even though more than 70 percent of companies say they are committed to diversity, less than a third of their workers see senior leaders held accountable for improving gender outcomes. Faced with these challenges, it s time to rewrite our gender playbooks so that they do more to change the fabric of everyday work life by encouraging relentless execution, fresh ideas, and courageous personal actions.

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