Nandi Hills
Karnataka,  Travel

Enjoy a bright sunrise at Nandi Hills

A bright Sunrise and smoky hills can give you a nice kick off for an energetic week. You might be thinking that what am I talking about? It is nothing but a place call Nandi Hills, just 61km away from the Bengaluru City.

Sunrise from Tipu’s Drop

This is a place where you should go before visiting any other place in Karnataka, India. If you are new in Bengaluru or in a business trip, take out few hours in a fine morning and see the beautiful sunrise of Nandi Hills.

To visit Nandi Hills, you have to book your cad prior and you have to start your journey by 3:30 to 4:00 am, otherwise you may miss the sun rise. Once you reach to the spot, you have to buy tickets in a very reasonable price.


This is the symbol of strict security system of Tipu Sultan era

The main attraction of Nandi Hills is the beautiful sunrise from the Tipu’s Drop. But, there are many more things like Amrita Sarovar(The lake of Nectar), an ancient Hindu temple, Tipu Sultan Fort, Brahmashram and Nehru Nilaya ( a Bungalow was used by Sir Mark Cubbon K.C.B., Commissioner of Mysore during 1834 to 1861. In 1986, it had been renamed as Nehru Nilaya) also attract thousand of national and international tourists at the Nandi Hills.

Amrita Sarovar

This place gives a massive historic touch with amazing natural beauty. The view from the Tipu’s Drop is a mind-blowing experience. The other experience of this place is it’s playful monkeys.

Ancient Hindu temple near Tipu’s Drop

There are many small restaurants near the Tipu’s Drop, where you can finish you breakfast or else if you are a fond of Parathas, you can enjoy it at Indian Paratha Company, a Punjabi restaurant on the way back to Bengaluru.

So, if you want to take a break from your busy life. Nandi Hills can be the perfect choice to refresh yourself.


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