Diwali Styling #1
The autumn is full of festivals. We have just ended Durga Puja and now Diwali is knocking our doors. This time, I decided to talk about Diwali Styling in details. Diwali is a festival of lights, decorations, flowers and to match that ambience, we should go with something gorgeous. Something which has the glow of Diwali.

On the Diwali eve, a traditional one would be the perfect one. Here I have chosen a very pretty lehenga designed by Jaggyasenee Chakraborty. Though here the dominant colours are all in pastel, it has a very nice Diwali glow. So, I think this could be something cool to wear in the Diwali night or evening.

Lehenga : Designed by Jaggyasenee Chakraborty
Here some more similar outfits, which you may like to buy.

You are looking gorgeous in this lahenga girl
Ujjainee Chakraborty
Thank you Jaggyasenee..