A Success Story on Bangla Krishi Sech Yojana
Agriculture is the heart of the state’s economy, and irrigation is one of the major parts of agriculture. Keeping this in mind, The Government of West Bengal in associate with The Government of India have jointly taken an impressive initiative to maintain the irrigation in such way that can save water, cost and time. Yes, it is sprinkler irrigation under Bangla Krishi Sech Yojana and Pradhan Mantri Krishi Sinchai Yojana.

Very Nicely done, Keep up the good work dear.
Ujjainee Chakraborty
Thank you so much Rohini.
Great video. I learned something about agriculture in India. Very interesting to learn about irrigation usage there.
Ujjainee Chakraborty
Yes it is pretty interesting.
Soubhik Goswami
Good one. Keep it up.
Ujjainee Chakraborty
Thank you so much.
Eden Fite
Seems like the new system will be beneficial for everyone. I’m not really familiar with farming or irrigation systems, but I enjoyed watching your video nonetheless.
Ujjainee Chakraborty
Yes, They are already making good production after using this. Thanks for watching, hope will provide more such information in the coming days.
Nice, thanks for sharing sucn an inspirational story. More villages should follow this and become model for progress.
Ujjainee Chakraborty
Yes, this is really can be a model for modern irrigation in India.
Soumya Gayatri
It is encouraging to learn that West Bengal is taking some initiatives in the area of preserving water. Definitely, the most important need of the hour. I guess other states could also benefit from similar initiatives.
Ujjainee Chakraborty
You are right Soumya, I do believe that other states also will get the benefit out of this system.
What's Katie Doing?
It’s good that they can save so much water with this drip irrigation, but I do wonder whether deep root irrigation would further improve the water loss stats? (as you don’t loose water through evaporation into the air), but I guess having the drops on the leaves also cools the plants in the hot summer weather?
Ujjainee Chakraborty
Drip irrigation is much better than flood irrigation. In India, most of the places you will find flood irrigation which is one of the reasons of water loss. Not only that, drip irrigation helps farmers to produce quality products.
Interesting video, love learning about how we can help the environment 🙂
Ujjainee Chakraborty
Thank you for your feedback Sarah.
This was an interesting video to watch. I know nothing about India or its agriculture there, so I enjoyed watching it, and learning something new.
Ujjainee Chakraborty
I am very happy Lisa that you have enjoyed my video and very much thankful for your feedback.
Saving water is the need of the hour. Glad this initiative encourages the same!! Interesting! let’s see how it goes!
Ujjainee Chakraborty
Hmmm, a long way to go to make it more successful in India.
Ambika Roy
Wow this is really nice to see that West Bengal is working on develop irrigation system .
Ujjainee Chakraborty
Yes and I think in future it will be a model for other states.
I support this kind of initiatives. Water is the most importatnt what we have and we should respect it. Congrats of your success and keep it up.
Ujjainee Chakraborty
thank you ,
This is so interesting! I had never considered what a big part irrigation plays.
Ujjainee Chakraborty
Thank you so much for your feedback
World of Lina
Oh in times of heatwaves like this it’s really necessary to save as much water as possible. It’s really great what they’re doing!
Ujjainee Chakraborty
Yes ..
I always support this kind of initiatives. It’s amazing that they can save so much water with this drip irrigation. I always love reading articles that will make me learn something new. Thank you for sharing
Ujjainee Chakraborty
You are welcome, Daniel. I am glad that you like my work on drip irrigation.
Zoe | Together In Transit
Interesting to watch! Thanks for sharing!
Definitely very interesting! It’s great to see the government supporting water saving micro irrigation schemes like this. Awesome video!
Thank you so much for watching this.
Kevin | Caffeinated Excursions
Glad to hear that the new irrigation systems are saving water, and also happen to be increasing efficiency. Governments and farmers around the world should look to India as an example for the kinds of improvements that can be made in agriculture.
Yes you are right.
It is good that you highlighted krishi system with irrigation and it is really very useful in farming. Good innovative and start.